Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer Weather

Yeah, it's summer. I get it.

But honestly, I don't own an air conditioner. I hate air conditioners. I am afraid that if I did have one it would fall out the window and kill someone. I know I am in the minority on this, but I will not pay those electricity bills.

But it had been so hot lately. I had to move last weekend in 90-degree heat, which is not awesome, contrary to what you might think.

So, I have devised the following heat beating practices:
1. No pants; skirts and dresses only
2. At least 2 showers a day (sorry, Heidi/nature!)
3. two fans pointed directly at me while I sleep
4. constant hydration, to the point of insanity
5. 1/2 pitcher of pomegranate-green tea iced tea daily
6. mineral makeup--it doesn't melt off my face
7. getting a job in an air conditioned office building
8. no blankets at all
9. wet washcloth, cooled in the freezer, on my forehead as I go to sleep
10. moving out of Manhattan
11. devising a few commutes to work that optimize the likelihood of being in an air conditioned train car; similarly, transferring trains only in cooler stations (Hoyt-Schemerhorn as opposed to Jay Street-Borough Hall, for example)
12. lights off as much as possible
13. looking at my huge collection of hats and scarves every day to remind myself that this too shall pass!

Tell me your heat-beating tips! I need to know!


  1. do you read NYmag's daily intel? they did a post on this just today! and linked to their post from last summer. the washcloth in the freezer seems to be a common one. well someone else had said socks. a washcloth is way better. i don't want socks on my face!

  2. My dear sainted mother, your grandmother, who grew up in the non air conditioned central valley of the cali had a tip for cooling off. In the evening, when making salad, she would peel a cucumber and place a nice 2-3 inch strip of cucumber peel on each temple, held there by eyeglasses.
    Try it
