Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Baby Jewelery

I was on the train yesterday, and saw a little boy wearing a couple of bracelets, one of which was made of small beads that would be sure easy to choke on accidentally if he were to chew on it constantly, which he was.

It reminded me of how much I dislike babies with pierced ears. I just don't care for it. For some reason, it reminds me of Baby Beauty Pageant contestants, JonBennet Ramsey and other creepy stuff like that.

I got my ears pierced when I was probably five or six. By that time I had hair and a head big enough not to be overwhelmed by the small blue stone studs I wore for the 500 years subsequent. My pediatrician still thought I was too young, but my mom was such a hippie, you guys!

Anyway, gross. Say No to baby pierced ears!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Other "gym" etiquette

So, I go to this insane yoga, but other people go to the gym, where the following situations may occur, much to my chagrin, in the locker room:

Women who text naked
Women who talk on the phone naked
Women who text and/or talk on the phone topless
Women who take pictures with their friends

I mean, I want to free my hips. But this is too free.

Also, in re: yesterday's post: yes, I can see your thong through those leggings. Go away from me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An OPen Letter to the Ladies from my Yoga Studio

This yoga studio, which is Bikram style, and therefore extremely hot, humid and sweaty, encourages some fairly naked fashion choices. That's cool, the beach is one of my favorite places. I don't mind being the girl dressed comparatively Amish-ly in my leggings and workout tank top. But seriously, no matter what you wear, please, please, please DON'T wear ridiculous pants that are so see-through that I can see your underpanties! Honestly! Two days in a row, I have been placed squarely behind the most see-through pants-wearing ladies, and it must stop. Mostly, it's funny, but in general, I am now begging you to employ futuristic exercise fashions that cover up your bum. This is for you, polkadot bikini girl.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Job Search

This will be the first of many complaints about my attempt to get a job.

This woman with whom I went to graduate school just got a position that I applied for as well. I am very happy for her; it's a great organization with a lot of wonderful programs.

I applied for this job, and a month later got a letter saying that I wasn't even qualified enough for an interview.
