Showing posts with label fish management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish management. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

John McCain's Twitter

This guy! He lost the presidency, and now he has taken his intense bitterness to the interwebs, where he Twitters. I would normally find this adorable, but his Tweets, as they are know, are so inane, so full of the vitriolic nonsense that characterized his and Sarah Palin's campaign (In what respect, Charlie?) that it makes me want to tear out my hair. His current project is to Tweet the top ten pork barrel projects proposed in the Federal budget. First of all, I'm willing to bet that many of them are proposed by Republicans. Second of all, the lack of nuance that is the hallmark of these short, bitchy comments is absolutely why he was not asked to run this country.
Dude, get a life. Or try to see the world for the complicated place it is. This is a country where fish management is a real thing, where people work hard to keep our rivers and waters clean and safe for fish so that we can have them to eat and to function in a biodivere ecosystem. Seriously, John McCain, grow up.