Thursday, January 22, 2009

Balloon Pants

I'm sorry, why are these popular again? I remember as a child, when my parents would take me to Grateful Dead concerts, and I always thought that Jerry Garcia's jam pants were a huge mistake only barely pulled off by a former heroin addict diabetic. Basically, only Jerry Garcia could ever wear clothes like this in public, because he didn't care. But now, all women are suppose to look hot and skinny in JAM PANTS made of tweed. Sick.

Also, tapered at the ankles. What women's magazine would be okay with that? Hasn't What Not to Wear been harping on the evils of tapered-leg pants for its entire run on TLC? It's not the hypocrisy, it' the audacity with which the fashion industry perpetuates its criminal levels of bad taste on women over a size 2.

photo courtesy of Avante Guide, and possibly some satanic designer.


  1. First, why did your parents take you to a Grateful Dead Concert?!??!! Second, WHAT KINDA PARENT TAKES THEIR KIDS TO GRATEFUL DEAD CONCERTS?!!! (Unless that is, you grew up in San Francisco, in which case,that explains a lot, and I'M SORRY!)

  2. Dear Natalie,
    Ann Marie
