Thursday, March 5, 2009

0% Greek Yogurt

Here's the thing. Greek yogurt is strong, and delicious. I love it. My brand of choice is (like most of you, I'm sure) Fage. The regular version and the 2% version are both delicious. Completely yummy, with honey or without. The regular version is of course insanely delicious

But the nonfat kind? The 0% in the smaller container? Not delicious. Harsh tasting. Kind of...gross.

Delicious nonfat yogurt exists, for sure. Greek yogurt is generally too strong when robbed of the creaminess of the original variety. Horizon organic fat free has the same active cultures and is way more palatable, because it comes in fruit flavors which mask the harshness of plain old yogurt.

Incidentally, would you be sad to know that one cup of the regular Fage has 80% of your daily saturated fat allowance? Do you understand now why it is SO DELICIOUS?

1 comment:

  1. Wait, you are complaining because diet food tastes gross? Isn't that a truism?
