Friday, April 17, 2009

Diet Coke v. Diet Pepsi

Diet Coke is a wonderful nectar of the gods without which I would be an under-caffeinated zombie. Diet Pepsi is a sickly sweet gross beverage that I will drink only under duress, out of politeness, or because it's all the vending machine in my office building carries.

They are not the same and if you give me a Diet Pepsi when I've asked for a Diet Coke I will know. Even if the can is not visible. Trust me. Now, if I'm a guest in your house, I will be perfectly polite and delightedly grateful for the drink, and I will nurse it for a while (as opposed to if I get a real Diet Coke, which I will consume in approximately 2 seconds). If, however, you are a waitress, bartender, or flight attendant I will (politely) inform you that Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi are not the same product, and request a glass of soda water with lemon instead. If you look at me like I am a crazy person, I will subject you to a lengthy rant about the taste differences. Do you want that? Really? I doubt it.

I know which airlines serve which beverage, and I have been known to make ticket purchase decisions based on beverage options (I mean, all other things being equal). Dunkin Donuts may be the only drive-through joint with vegetarian food options, but it serves Diet Pepsi, so I won't go unless I have a strong hankering for microwaved eggs.

You think this sounds crazy? That's fine. I think your argument that ____ is different from ____ is crazy, but I understand the way things work and I won't fight you about it. So let me have my strong preference and just know...they're not the same product.

1 comment:

  1. i love that you say "nectar of the gods." that's actually how i describe diet coke as well. and when waiters/waitresses ask me if diet pepsi is ok when i ask for diet coke, i explain to them that i think their dining establishment should re-think their purchasing decisions. you are not alone on this one.
