Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I make great...

I get really annoyed when people claim that they make a really great (insert food here) and then you learn that they just modify some store bought thing. Such as, "I make really great chicken soup- I take the campbell's soup, and I add that roasted chicken from Jewel and some mushrooms." No, you don't make great chicken soup. My mom does. You have a good idea about how to make canned soup better. Don't get too excited about yourself.

Now, I am a terrible baker. I don't have the focus, precision or drive to be really good. So, when I bake a cake, I use Duncan Hines. And you know what? IT IS DELICIOUS and a lot better than it would be if I made it from scratch. Now, I am not going to go around saying "I bake awesome cakes" because I don't. But I might say, "yo, I baked this cake. From a box. Would you like a slice? It is delicious." and that is fine (HEIDI.) I'm not making any false claims there. But please, don't tell me about your awesome chili recipe, when we are talking about you heating up a can and adding cheese. But yes, I will have a bowl of it, thank you.

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