Friday, January 30, 2009

Rick Warren

This is not trivial, and not that recent, but it makes me mad, so I am going to say my piece. Rick Warren should not have been invited to give a prayer at Obama's inauguration. Seriously. This is probably a good guy, and he obviously inspires a lot of people, but he is not, to me, a role model of the Christian faith. He has spent time and money preaching on the evils of homosexuality and gay marriage. Boo to that. Boo, I say! What ever happened to love thy neighbor as thyself, and forgiveness and tolerance? Why give this guy a platform from which to speak? Why validate his hateful positions under the guise of bi-partisan cooperation? The Republicans aren't going to vote for the stimulus package because Rick Warren was on the dais. Plus, how many other amazing, inspiring Christian leaders are there in this country who could have given the prayer? There must be one of two? I always liked the crazy Catholic priests we had at Bond Chapel. They spent way more time talking about the evils of capital punishment and never once mentioned abortion while I was there.
Sigh, Prez Obama. Sigh.


  1. I disagree. Not a lot, but a little.

  2. That's cool. My dad and I fought about it a bunch while I was home. Another thing is how hard ll those guys worked to pass Prop 8, which totally disgusts me. Whatevs. It's over. He will forever be known as the guy who sounded like he wanted to eat Shasha and Malia Obama when he said their names during his prayer.
