Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Haven

If you went to Yale, and someone asks you where you went to college, please don't say "New Haven." We know what that means; you went to Yale. Good for you- you are probably smart. Bad for us, you are totally pretentious. I do not think that you are modest and awesome. I think that you are assuming that I know that Yale is in New Haven (which I do, but still), and that makes me think that you are saying your university is so famous that I should be in awe of you and feel bad about myself, and that makes me think that you are a douche. Note: this also goes for Cambridge/Harvard. Similar unacceptable statements include "while I was in New Haven, I dated this guy..." No. Please say, "at Yale" or "at college." Exceptions are if you are talking about something New Haven specific- like "When I lived in New Haven, I ate a lot of pizza." That is fine but barely.

Interestingly, the same goes for if you went to New Haven Technical Institute. If you say, "when I was studying in New Haven..." I will think of Yale. And then it is weird when I find out that you didn't go to Yale, and wonder why you are ashamed of your school. I actually find that less annoying, though.


  1. All graduates of the Gateway Community College of New Haven just wept a single tear.


    Also, when people say "Cambridge" (which they do all the damn time) they mean Harvard....which really knocks on M.I.T. you know?

    Of course, Ann Marie and I are graduates of a school that deeply encourages you to refer to it by just the city name, an urge I resist but that is common and vaguely acceptable outside of Chicago.

  3. But the word Chicago is at least IN the name of the school. "I went to Berkeley" isn't a weird thing to say if you went to UC Berkeley.

    I have never heard someone say they went to New Haven. I think that is so weird.
