Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doing EVERYTHING on Facebook

Seriously, is it actually so hard to go to another website to send some person, oh, an email? Or an e-card? It's all in the same browser. I get worried when EVERY internet activity becomes subsumed into one interface. It's weird. Perhaps this is my American aversion to monopoly speaking (not the game, though). But honestly, if you want me to sign a petition, it's okay to just email it to me. Its okay to just go to Someecards and pick out a card. It's okay to just ask me to watch a Youtube video on actual Youtube.
This is probably just me. I am in some ways adverse to extreme versions of efficiency. Feel free to disagree.


  1. You're wrong about some of this, but not all
    Send me an email, not a message on facebook. Unless you don't have my email.
    But send me a someecard or petition or invite or whatever however you want. My 2cents!

  2. my main objection is to the replacement of email...
